The Guys Come Full Circle!

The Guys Come Full Circle!
Ron, Stu and Fred finish the ride where they began, Canal Place in Chesapeake City, Maryland.

4 Guys at the 4th Corner-July 15, 2010

4 Guys at the 4th Corner-July 15, 2010
The 4 guys reach the 4th corner in Madawaska, Maine.

The Third Corner - Blaine, Washington

The Third Corner - Blaine, Washington
The 4 guys reached the third corner in Blaine, Washington on July 4, 2010 on the 32nd day.

The Second Corner - Border Field State Park

The Second Corner - Border Field State Park
The guys reached the second corner on the 16th day, June 19, 2010, just south of San Diego, California

The First Corner - Key West, Florida

The First Corner - Key West, Florida
The guys reach the first corner on the 4th day, June 7, 2010

4 Guys Go Western

4 Guys Go Western
While in Tombstone the guys made a pact to ditch the Harley wear and motorcycles. They are going to travel the west on horseback while dressed in period costume!

To Our Followers

Welcome to our blogsite! We are four blessed guys with very understanding and supportive wives and families. They are encouraging us on this eight week endeavor of a life time. We're glad to have you along on the trip with us. Please sit back, relax and enjoy this journey around our beautiful United States of America. Thanks! From: 4 Guys Looking for 4 Corners

The 4 Corner Guys

The 4 Corner Guys
Freddie, Stu, Mike and Ron

Arrival in Chesapeake City, Maryland

Arrival in Chesapeake City, Maryland
Fred, Stu, Mike, Ron and Ken

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 21 - Dunlap, California to Mariposa, California

Now, nobody would ever accuse three out of four of the fellows as being frugal. But their accomodations while in Dunlap shows just how thrifty they can be. The report was the rooms were clean, they had a bed and there was air conditioning!
After leaving Dunlap, and their sweet motel, the boys went back into the northern portion of the Sequoia National Forest. There was a particular section of the park, where 40 of the giant Sequoia trees lived,that they wanted to check out. Mike, Fred, Ron and Stu are in Grant's Grove at the base of another monster tree.
Fred rests by the Kings Canyon National Park sign. The national park is a 30 mile dead end road into a very deep canyon. So, it's a 30 mile ride back out of the park.
The Kings River runs along the floor of the canyon. The river is fed solely from the snow melt run off from hundreds of thousands of mountainous acres.
Fred and Mike standing on a rock ledge overlooking the Kings Canyon National Park. Whew, glad they didn't fall for the, "take a step back" gag.
The rushing water of the Kings River.
Ron, Fred and Stu in front of the Grizzly Falls. The guys finished up the day in Mariposa, California which is at the southwest end of Yosemite National Park. Their total miles ridden today equal 222 miles.


  1. Those trees are ENORMOUS! I can't even imagine how they must look in person. King's Canyon looks like it was well worth the 30 mile in, 30 mile out ride! Watch out for the wildlife out there... they say that there are no more grizzlies in California, but how do "they" really know? I'd carry some bear spray and bells on those hikes just in case, haha, and why take a chance with those black bears?!?!

  2. The picture at Grizzly Falls has the be the most spectacular one yet!

  3. Love all the pictures you guys are taking ... at least I get to travel via your pictures :) miss and love you Dad!!!
