The Guys Come Full Circle!

The Guys Come Full Circle!
Ron, Stu and Fred finish the ride where they began, Canal Place in Chesapeake City, Maryland.

4 Guys at the 4th Corner-July 15, 2010

4 Guys at the 4th Corner-July 15, 2010
The 4 guys reach the 4th corner in Madawaska, Maine.

The Third Corner - Blaine, Washington

The Third Corner - Blaine, Washington
The 4 guys reached the third corner in Blaine, Washington on July 4, 2010 on the 32nd day.

The Second Corner - Border Field State Park

The Second Corner - Border Field State Park
The guys reached the second corner on the 16th day, June 19, 2010, just south of San Diego, California

The First Corner - Key West, Florida

The First Corner - Key West, Florida
The guys reach the first corner on the 4th day, June 7, 2010

4 Guys Go Western

4 Guys Go Western
While in Tombstone the guys made a pact to ditch the Harley wear and motorcycles. They are going to travel the west on horseback while dressed in period costume!

To Our Followers

Welcome to our blogsite! We are four blessed guys with very understanding and supportive wives and families. They are encouraging us on this eight week endeavor of a life time. We're glad to have you along on the trip with us. Please sit back, relax and enjoy this journey around our beautiful United States of America. Thanks! From: 4 Guys Looking for 4 Corners

The 4 Corner Guys

The 4 Corner Guys
Freddie, Stu, Mike and Ron

Arrival in Chesapeake City, Maryland

Arrival in Chesapeake City, Maryland
Fred, Stu, Mike, Ron and Ken

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 25 - San Francisco, California to Garberville, California

Just before leaving San Francisco, the guys headed to the Golden Gate Bridge. Having crossed it several times already in fog, they were hopeful the bridge could be seen clearly. Fred, Ron, Mike and Stu in front of the famous bridge.
The bridge just slightly visible above the fog bank.
Adios, San Francisco! The boys headed north east across the mountains towards wine country.
Sonoma Valley was the first wine region they entered.
Wine, in it's simplest form, up close and personal.
The valleys are beautiful, covered in grapes and wineries.
Beautifully manicured grape arbors are visible everywhere throughout Sonoma, Napa and Alexander Valleys.
The wineries are spectacularly landscaped. Behind the lavish entrances, winery buildings are either extremely elaborate or elegantly modest.
After touring the wine country the guys headed west again towards the Pacific Coast. Here Mike stands, with the coast in the background.
More beautiful Pacific Coastal scenery. The guys have reported that the photos simply do not do this magnificent part of the country justice.
The boys headed slightly east again in order to catch sight of the California Redwood Forests. Freddie drives his bike through the privately owned Chandelier Tree.
The guys zig zagged their way east and west, while going north along the Pacific Coast. They traveled about 280 miles total today, stopping for the night in Garberville, California. Tomorrow will be their last day in California. They are making their way to Oregon.


  1. The Oregon Coast puts the California Coast to shame....seriously.

  2. Well Stu,
    Seems you guys continue to have a great trip. SF, Alcatraz, Golden Gate, Napa Valley all remind me of when Emily and I were there. Don't know if you tried the Culinary Institute of America while in Napa area but the food is great. If you have a chance try Newport, OR....some of the best oysters I have ever tasted with great restaurants and coastal scenery. Also, try Crater Lake if possible. Great ride aroung the lake and BEAUTIFUL. Be safe and enjoy. I will continue to check on your progress.

  3. Those grapes look good... hope you sampled some wine!!
